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  Different ways to pass query parameters in EmberJS

In EmberJS, one could pass query parameters when retrieving resources with store.query() method. But what if there is a requirement that one wants to pass query parameters when calling store.findRecord()? Or there is a requirement that one wants to pass query parameters to a relationship when calling model.get('hasManyAttribute') in a RESTful style? In this post, we will explain how these can be achieved. In the store.query() case, one could easily pass the query parameters by passing ...


  Speech recognition breakthrough from Microsoft

Recently, Microsoft Research published a demo video on YouTube that demonstrated simultaneously translating English speech to Chinese speech with Microsoft's new research achievement. The result is quite impressive, it has large improvement compared to previous speech recognition systems. It's a big breakthrough of speech recognition. In this demo, Microsoft Chief Research Officer Rick Rashid demonstrates a speech recognition breakthrough.First when he speaks, the screen will display what he is ...

   Speech recognition, Text to speech,Machine translation     2012-11-09 23:53:21

  Magic CSS shape

There is a question on StackOverflow which states that someone finds a CSS sample on  , the sample shows a triangle created with pure CSS. The source code is :#triangle-up {width: 0;height: 0;border-left: 50px solid transparent;border-right: 50px solid transparent;border-bottom: 100px solid red;}The question is how these few lines can create a triangle? Next we give the answer and the detail illustration to this question We need to consider the B...

   CSS,Triangle,Box model,Border     2012-04-20 12:56:22

  Multithreading interview questions in Java

Multithreading as a widespread programming and execution model allows multiple threads to exist within the context of a single process. These threads share the process' resources but are able to execute independently. The threaded programming model provides developers with a useful abstraction of concurrent execution. However, perhaps the most interesting application of the technology is when it is applied to a single process to enable parallel execution on a multiprocessor system.Many programme...

   Multithreading,Java,Interview     2012-05-28 06:33:25

  Method chaining and lazy evaluation in Ruby

Method chaining has been all the rage lately and every database wrapper or aything else that’s uses queries seems to be doing it. But, how does it work? To figure that out, we’ll write a library that can chain method calls to build up a MongoDB query in this article. Let’s get started! Oh, and don’t worry if you haven’t used MongoDB before, I’m just using it as an example to query on. If you’re using this guide to build a querying library...

   Ruby,Method chaining,Lazy evaluation,Implementation     2011-11-29 08:51:17

  App's user value doesn't necessarily bring business value

There is an old saying in Internet world, you can get business value as long as you can achieve user value. Is this statement outdated in mobile Internet era? This statement originated from PC Internet era, but now the time users spend on PC drops and user behavior tends to be stable and conservative. In contrast, people are more willing to stay on mobile devices. The difference between PC and mobile is that users are freely to move around on PC end. People can navigate from one link to another ...

   App,Business value,User value     2013-06-25 10:52:12

  Why so many Python web frameworks?

When asked about the plethora of web frameworks for Python the answer is often that it is way too easy to put together one in Python. That certainly seems plausible since there are so many libraries that implement the components of a web framework and if it's easy to plug those pieces together then maybe that lowers the bar of entry for new frameworks. So let's give it a shot, we'll pick some components and spend a couple hours seeing how far we can get building a web framework, which we...

   Python,Web framework,Dynamic scripting language,Web design     2012-02-13 05:32:48

  Will China surpass United States on innovation?

I had some discussions on whether China would surpass United States on innovation with some entrepreneurs during last weekend's APEC. The conclusion is United Stats has advantages on innovation today, but in the future, China's innovation will be more widespread and successful. For the next 10 years, what advantages do United States and China have? Actually United States has obvious advantages, especially on innovation structure and innovation culture. Technology -- It's undoubted that Unit...

   Innovation,China,United States     2013-07-15 04:40:12

  Google is developing advanced programming technology to simplify Web application development

Beijing, March 28. According to foreign media reports, Google engineer Alex Russell this week at EclipseCon meeting said the company is now developing lots of advanced programming techniques to simplify Web application development.Russell said, "Web development has come to a critical point, it is becoming a run-time library integration platform." Although Web is very popular compared to some platforms such as Java or Windows, it provides only a relatively original programming capability. A ...

   Google,Web,Dart,Scalability     2012-03-30 06:22:13

  Samijyon : A tablet from North Korea

According to Sina Tech, North Korea Tech posted an article about Samijyon. Samijyon is a model of Android  tablet manufactured by North Korea. You can buy it with $200 in North Korea. Smajiyon's hardware configuration is as good as Samsung and Apple, but it doesn't allow WiFi connection and ordinary North Koreans cannot connect to Internet as well, users can only connect to domestic network of North Korea. On this tablet, there are no built-in Google apps such as Gmail and Google Play. But...

   Samijyon,North Korea,Tablet     2013-08-03 22:01:35